As a woodworker, Elliot Holdstock has cultivated an impressive portfolio of unique fine furniture pieces comprised of tables, chairs and lamps. The level of skill involved to create these functional pieces is paralleled to his level of craftsmanship to create these seamless designs. With the fine attention to detail, his work boasts a personality that could only be associated with modern, unique styles. We asked him a few questions in regards to his work and being a fine furniture maker.

Where did you make your start in woodworking?
I started woodworking in high school, like most people, but from a young age I knew that that was what I wanted to do. After high school I studied at Sturt School for wood in NSW but it wasn't until a travelled to Japan a few years later that I decided to take the plunge and start it full-time.
How would you describe your style?
I always try to keep my furniture simple and clean.

Are there any other woodworkers or designers that have inspired your work?
Yes, of course, one of my favourites is Truck Furniture. I was actually lucky enough to spend some time with him while I was in Osaka and he was a great inspiration for me.

What are some tools you use on a daily basis?
I always find myself cracking open my Festool routers. Those are good days.
Favourite type of wood to work with and why?
I love using Hard Rock Maple, its enjoyable to work with and has a wonderful colour. I also love working with American Black Walnut for its smell and lately I've been using a lot of Cambia Ash which is looks sensational once oiled.

Lastly, is there any piece of advice for younger woodworkers interested in fine furniture making?
I'd say to just go for it and work hard. See all of Elliot's work here. See our range of handplanes and handtools to help you get started in fine furniture making.
To see all of Elliot's work, click here.
To view our range of handtools, handplanes and other great tools for fine furniture, click here.