We have updated the look & product code of our CTJ-508X-3PH (now TH-X508C-3P), however be assured, all specifications of this machine are the same as our tried and tested CTJ-508X-3PH.
Helical cutterheads revolutionise your woodwork! Offering near silent cutting as well as less chatter and tear out in curly or highly figured wood, these cutterheads save hours of cleanup work after dressing timber to the correct thickness.
The Carbatec TH-X508C-3P thicknesser is literally stacked with features and will be a welcome addition in any workshop big or small. Features a powerful 5.5HP motor, a helical cutterhead, serrated steel infeed and outfeed rollers, anti-kickback fingers, adjustable bed rollers and a front-mounted Magnetic Starter NVR switch.
One distinct advantage you'll find with this machine is the low mounting of the motor - this provides space for the rollers that are fitted on the top of the machine, allowing you to feed and return material for repeated passes instead of carrying the material back to the infeed side by hand. Team up with a partner and they can feed the material back to you using the roller system further increasing your productivity.
This machine's 98 four sided cutter knives (each can be turned four times to offer a new cutting edge in seconds) are fine tungsten carbide and held by a Torx style screw. Knives of this type last three to five times longer than good quality HSS knives. Multiply this by four cutting edges and you achieve 12 to 20 times the normal blade life of a HSS blade set. Easily rotated and seated, they present a new, fully sharpened and indexed cutting edge. No complex blade setting or jigs are required - you simply replace the blade when all four edges have been used.
Blade product code BLADE-X-10B
This style of cutterhead also reduces the size of shavings when cutting; increasing the effectiveness of your dust collection setup. It gives smoother cuts, less tearout and has less vibration during use. The use of at least a 3HP dust collector is recommended for this machine to produce efficient and clean productivity.
Please note: "Three-phase plug is not included".
Click here for more information regarding cutting hardwoods or softwoods with any woodworking machine.