The Tormek 200mm Fine Diamond Wheel has exceptional durability for all your sharpening needs!
With a grit size of 600 this grinding wheel is the ultimate all round choice while combining efficient steel removal and a smooth grinding surface. The DF-200 will always stay round and flat while maintaining a full sized diameter making it possible to grind on either the side of the wheel or upper surface. Side grinding is effective for sharpening smaller tools such as knives, chisels and carving gouges. For sharpening on the side of your new diamond wheel, we recommend using the TOR-MB-102 Multi Base and jig designed for your tool. This will help with control and support throughout the sharpening process.
Known for its ability to sharpen all types of steel and ceramics this is the perfect choice for your Tormek T-4 Original Sharpening Machine.
Included with every wheel is a 150ml bottle of anti-corrosion concentrate to prevent rust forming on the grinding wheel, use this in a 10ml to 250ml ratio.It is recommended to always use water when sharpening your diamond wheels, this will help prolong its life and provide a smoother grinding surface.